A freshly hatched whelpling, covered in spacedust and stars. Named Morpheus, he’s destined to watch over your dreams.
Depending on the light the nebulae on his body looks purple or blue.

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Ravok got new colors! And they change from blue to purple depending on the light. He is my first nebula colored 3D print of the Barbossa model.

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About five years ago, I sculpted one of the key characters from my headworld stories: Xantar, the Chronist. Now, as I gained more experience with painting 3D-objects in the last years, I re-painted him.

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First dual colored 3D print of the Barbossa model with reduced size (2/3 of original print size). His name is Shoto (pun intended).

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Sierra and Salvador got some baby dragons!
3D prints of the Barbossa model with reduced size (2/3 of original print size); Firnen (green) and Ravok (black/red)

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First print of the fullbody model.

When I was younger I always wished that the dragons I drew would awaken, jump off the paper and become alive. I’d love to have a pet dragon when I was a child. Now I have one and soon even more! 😉

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After several 3D-Printing-Tests it was time for the next step: Today I tried out a different 3D-Program and created a fullbody model for the first time.

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