Highest Sky [NoS]


  1. Do you realize how demoralizing you are for the other people when you call such wonderful artworks “little warm-up” or “little sketch”? x)

    I need to think more about this Northern Sphinx to have something interesting to say about it x)

    1. Author

      I’m flattered that you think it’s a wonderful artwork, because from my side I’m not even sure if I like it or not XD

      I look forward to hear your thoughts and impressions! (especially as I’m trying to understand her myself, haha)
      More works will come soon (also, I have tons of sketches, but am not sure yet which ones I wanna post or if I’m going to upload them at all. I’ll see x))

      1. I like the colours and also I think it looks a bit like your symbol: the three planets, the wings forming the spiky part and the curve of the sky forming the half circle.

        Ah, how us, poor mortals are supposed to get it, if even yourself don’t understand it? x)
        Well I can do only one answer to this: POST THEM ALL! XD

        1. Author

          Damn, you’re right. Didn’t even notice that – was just ‘going with the flow’ when painting. But you’re definitly right; it’s there!

          Try and fail or succeed in discovering something I didn’t notice (like you just did ;D) and therefore actually helping me finding the answer even though you might not see/understand what your discovery means 8D

          aaah, I knew you were going to say that – but I’m not sure yet if I’m comfortable with showing those x) I’ll see…

  2. Second time in few days I see something you didn’t saw, I think I’m getting “Farphynized” XD
    Well maybe it’s going to make you like this drawing better now c:

    I’ll do my best x)

    Of course, it’s like saying “oh I’ve plenty of chocolate cakes, but I’m not sure which ones I’m going to give you” x)
    I understand c:, but if ever you want an opinion about it without show them to the whole world, you can still show me on Skype, I’ll be happy to help you^^

    1. Author

      Yeah, looks like it XD
      Indeed, it does! c:


      I’ll keep it in mind, thanks for the offer ^-^

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