During the past years Farphyni has worked on several projects and art series, simply called The hundred-headed Hydra. Most of them were small-sized art-series (A5) or just sketches.
The hundred-headed Hydra contains several art-series and projects about philosophical themes, questions we ask and thoughts about the mysteries of life and the human mind.
Here are some of those projects (newest to oldest):
- “Blazing Shades” (2019) [Decryption Paradox II]
“We all have shapes, allegories and personifications of one kind or another within us. Representatives of our instincts, traits, secrets, desires and wishes, … – conscious or unconscious, they’re a part of us, one way or another.”
From my perspective there are a few blazing shades I see often reflected in the eyes of other people. A few of them are repetitive and altogether they tell the story of the development of each person. These Blazing Shades, that will appear in this art series, are not only related to the development of the human mind and character, different stages of the individual evolution; but also, they are related to some of my very common symbolic creatures/representatives that I use in my artworks – they may explain a little part of my symbolism.
Blazing Shades stylistically roots in Decryption Paradox, using acrylic fluid techniques and oil paints, but also adds inks to the painting process of the acrylic fluid style.
These two series are not only related in the ways of style, also regarding their meaning. Therefore Blazing Shades can be seen as a kind of continuation of the Decryption Paradox.
Please click on the titles to be redirected to each BS-part:
[1] Transmutation Crow; [2] The Cycle; [3] The Seismograph; [4] The Pathfinder;
[5] The Grin Reaper; [6] The Empress & The Hydra; [7] The Blooming Snake;
- “Decryption Paradox” (2018-2019)
“Even if you don’t see it, it’s there. Something, beyond our control, beyond our vision, beyond our understanding. Something invisible accompanying us through our material lives.”
Decryption Paradox is an attempt of understanding the paths of life, with the whispers of beyond in mind. Trying to comprehend the mysterious coexistence of the visible and invisible, as well as their omnipresent interplay.
The series is painted entirely with acrylics on canvas, combining fluid techniques with common painting methods. (1-5)
Continuing this series in 2019 (beginning with “Sanity”), oil paints are combined with acrylic fluid techniques, creating a beautiful harmony.
Please click on the titles to be redirected to each DP-part:
[1] Anima Mundi; [2] The Secret Ways; [3] Unspoken; [4] Wingshifter; [5] Chasing Light; [6] Sanity
- “A Restless Dream” (2017-2018)
“What you see and the way you think determines how you interpret the world and life, which in turn influences what you expect of the world and others, and how you expect the story of your life to unfold. But what is it more than a mere dream? It seems to me that we dream, hope.”
Rooting in Allegoric Reality and NOUS, the Restless Dream discusses what makes us go forward, what keeps us alive and where our subsciousness leads us on our life’s journey, what we hope and picture ourselves. It’s about things that keep me awake and let me dream at the same time.
A series, drawn with pencils and ballpoint pens, refined with gold leaf.
Please click on the titles to be redirected to each ARD-part:
[1] Emypreum; [2] The Way of the Sun; [3] Terror in Resonance; [4] The Relativity of Existence
A Restless Dream also contains a little sub-series, named Search For The Hidden:
“And we wondered if there was something beyond. Beyond faces and mask, beyond lies and (so-called) truths, beyond the obvious and known. We wondered what we forgot, what we burried alive under the spirit of time. We wondered about forbidden things, that scared us in a way we couldn’t express verbally.”
This sub-series (stylistically) roots in A Restless Dream, but thematises a very different theme.
Search For The Hidden are a sort of memorials or reminders.
A series, drawn with graphite, powdered graphite and pencils, refined with gold leaf.
Please click on the titles to be redirected to each SFTH-part:
[1] The Crowned Man; [2] White Eyes; [3] A March of Crimes
- “Hoard of Beasts” (2017)
“You can never know what emotions people choose to not express, but unexpressed emotions will never die.
They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. They are rising beasts. One day you cannot stop them from coming anymore.
But, in the end, emotions make us human.“
“Hoard of Beasts” is all about sensations, emotions, feelings.
We don’t have a language for senses, emotions and sensations, that truly expresses their meaning. Feelings are images, expressed in art.
Please click on the titles to be redirected to each HoB-part:
[1] sankofa; [2] bilita mpash; [3] mono no aware; [4] resfeber; [5] vemod
- “NOUS” (2016-2017)
A sketch series focusing on reality and surreality, as well as the human mind.
The series contains ten parts – the first nine are sketches while the last one is a larger work to finish the series.
Please click on the titles to be redirected to each NOUS-part:
[1] Faceless; [2] Clockwork Soldiers; [3] The “Me” in me; [4] Artefact;
[5] Break Out, [6] Last Step, [7] Void; [8] Home; [9] Being;
[10] The NOUS