Nosce te IpsumContinue Reading
->>Materials: colored pencils,watercolor
->>Size: A4
->>Finished: 21.12.2014
This work is about the long journey from the consciousness to the subconsciousness, where we can find our true self – beyond the masks we show society.
I started this journey quite a while ago, and ended up at the temple of my soul. There I had to face my “soulguard”, it’s the one who takes care my soul doesn’t take any damage- even in the worst situations-, it’s the one who created the masks. Ah, it was/is not easy to pass by this giant guy – obviously. But I don’t want to go into details.
I’m very glad I did this journey (and that I’m still travelling – I guess it’s a neverending journey; I guess it’s impossible to know ourselves perfectly), because it helped me a lot to make some very important decisions. It helped me clear some things and understand myself better.