Some more progress with the πάντα ῥεῖ-design. Finished with drawing all textures and basic shades for the creature, moving on to the background and later also further details on the creatures.
Some more progress with the πάντα ῥεῖ-design. Finished with drawing all textures and basic shades for the creature, moving on to the background and later also further details on the creatures.
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Farphyni © 2014 - 2025
What takes you the most time, painting on computer or on canvas?
I guess it is about the same time.
But, personally, I think digital is easier (once you’re used to it) with all the layers and as you can erase any mistake again completely. Still, I like traditional painting (on paper/canvas) more most of the time – it has its own charm x)
I have more than once regretted that there isn’t any ctrl + z option in traditional drawing x)
I think that traditional give also better results when it’s time to hang it on the wall, you’ve less choices in textures and aspect with printed digital.
hahaha xD
Plus, there is only one original in traditional art. Gives a special feeling to it, I think.
If you consider some kind of traditional art like Kupferstich, you sure have only one copper plate, but you can print in theory an infinite number of copies from it; besides it usually those prints, which are considered to be the artwork (zb. in museums, it’s 99% of the time the print which is exhibited, not the plate).
Kupferstich is a printing technique. I was refering to drawings and paintings.