You might have noticed that there were a lot of changes (regarding my website) the last months. It started over a year ago, when I decided to change the design. Then I also changed the structure of the website, added an archive, changed the separation of the pages (especially the gallery) und added new pages (like Worldbuilding for example). All texts (especially the “About” site) got updated. Furthermore, I removed a bunch of old works and blog posts.
(It was quite funny to find my very first Blog-Post (Radioactive Hydra) again, for several reasons. Actually I deleted it too during the Tabula Rasa, but decided to Re-Up it, because it feels like the origin of building my own lair/website.)
Make sure to check it out! And in case you find links which don’t work properly or typos, please let me now so I can fix it!
Spoiler alert: Brace yourself for the presentation of some bigger projects in the next months. One of them is a huge painting (70 x 100 cm) I’ve been working for several months.
I suppose it is normal behaviour, but just in case the worldbuilding category is locked by password.
Ah I can’t wait to see this famous painting I have been forbade to see so far x)
But as you said it is one of some bigger projects, I suppose there is other nice things coming; new 3D prints?
It’s intended x)
haha xD
yesss, beside other things, there is a 3D-project among them x3 And a costume project (but this will probably be finished last, as I’m still not completely satisfied with the concept sketch)
Aaaand there is a way to get the password? Or shall I ask Kahu to give me the key? =p
Ah nice! I was thinking recently that we had not seen a costume from you for a long time x)
Kahu has no power here, muhahaha! (but I can give you the pw – the page will become public as soon as it is finished anyways; I’ll send you a mail!)
yeah, it’s a pity! Lately I re-organzied my fabrics and sewing stuff and found so many nice and epic things, which inspired me a lot.