Dreaming of DragonsContinue Reading
(Drawn with pencils on toned paper)
“There is a certain truth, some kind of symbolism, in each dream.
A meaning, covered in colors and shapes, the subconsciousness creates.
These dreams are shadow-truths, which will outlive mere facts.”
I still remember the first dream where I encountered ‘my dragon’ many, many years ago. It’s still one of my favorite dreams I ever had. And I dreamed of him many more times over the years and probably also will dream of him in the future.
These dreams surely are some of my favorite dreams, because I always know, that everything will turn out good when this dragon is with me. No matter how many enemies or difficult the obstacles in our way, there is always a happy ending – but most dreams with him are relaxing in general. Usually flying above hills covered in forests, exploring fantastic landscapes and cloudscapes. Sometimes there are other creatures or humans, partly friends, partly foes. But even if they are enemies, I’m never afraid, because I know that I can rely on this dragonfriend and that we will be able to deal with everything together.
I sketched him so often, but never was satisfied with the outcome, as it was always hard to remember all the details of him. Just his colors were clear: a green dragon with red eyes. And, of course, his shape, his movement, his charisma.
Finally I was able to draw a portrait of him, that really satisfies me.
His name is Gawain, or rather: his nickname is Gawain. I remember that his actual name is longer and more complicated, so my dream-self decided to call him simply “Gawain”.
I think in some way he might represent basic trust – in oneself, in life. The trust that everything will be ok and there is no need to be scared. A feeling, that ‘home’ can be everywhere.