Gwyn Libertine WIP_kleiner

The sketch of the last Giant. Made about two weeks ago (due to technical difficulties I was unable to post for the last 2-3 weeks~)

The hardest prison to escape is in your mind. Especially if monsters are blocking the exit.
~a little sketch from last week

There comes a time, when light changes direction and enlightens another side from something. And you come to realize, there’s more to the specific something than originally thought – and the shadow changed. So you hold other things into the new light, experiencing it’s the same with them. Then you turn that something a little and see another new side. Turn again a bit. And again. Dozens of new sides, new aspects of the same thing. Different shadows. And each new aspect little, but significant.
And when looking in the Mirror next time, you see more than before – like there is an Echo now.Continue Reading

Krokodil Heike_kleiner

A while ago a friend of mine, Heike, requested a crocodile respectively to her. I liked the idea (especially since I haven’t drawn a crocodile, as far as I remember) and so I sketched this for her. Admitted, the sketch escalated a little bit, but I guess that’s normal for me, when I have fun~


(PS and Ink+Water Sketch on A4; 3-4 hours)

Born for the blue skies -We’ll survive the rain
Born for the sunrise – We’ll survive the painContinue Reading


Real monsters don’t hide under your bed. They’re inside your head.

(escalated sketch; ballpoint pen and PS on A4; about 4-5 hours)

Continue Reading

I thought I could show you some of my sketches. So here are some demons I sketched during the last two nights.Continue Reading

As I’m currently really missing snow (a winter without lots of snow is no winter) and wanted to sketch something with Photoshop again I decided to draw a snow-breathing cloud-dragon~
Took about 15min. snowsnowsnow, where is my snow?Continue Reading