(Digital Artwork, using an iPad Pro)

“Gathering from dream-dust, emerging from splinters of the conscious, forming a familiar, between the rage of the unseen.”

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(Digital Artwork, using an iPad Pro)

And in the deepest darkness I asked her, what made her the happiest.
“You”, the creature said and I felt her grin.

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(Painted with Acrylics and Oil Colors on 70 x 100 cm canvas; find detail shots below)

If a person honestly faces the unconscious soul (without dwelling in subjective thoughts and feelings),  while reflecting upon its utterances, such as dreams and spontaneous fantasies, then sooner or later the image of the self will emerge and gift the possibility of the renewal of life, a sense of meaningfulness and completeness.

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(painted with acrylics on 40 x 60 cm canvas)

“This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine.”
(William Shakespeare)

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(Drawn with pencils on toned paper)

“There is a certain truth, some kind of symbolism, in each dream.
A meaning, covered in colors and shapes, the subconsciousness creates.
These dreams are shadow-truths, which will outlive mere facts.

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(Ecoline and colored pencils on 23 x 30.5 cm hot pressed paper)

Seeker, seeker or a keeper?
Will you bring me to the shore tonight?
Or to endless realms in shades of blue?
Travelling with the mind,
through hidden feelings
of me and you.

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(pencil and graphite powder on 30 x 40 cm coated wooden board)

Twisted minds, unspoken dependency.
The object pursued, refused.

Porcelain horns and whispering snake.
Meaning revealed. A breath of ashes.
Moth to flame, take the lead
let no expectations swallow thee.

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(pencil drawing on A4 paper)

“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it.”
(C. G. Jung)

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(painted with oils and acrylics)

Beyond silence and storm. Awoken in or from a dream. Carry me, carry me, to a place I haven’t seen before. Lift the mask and let me see, who I am to be. Let me see, let me see. Images of the Self everywhere. Symbolism in the abyss of the mind, subconscious, still?

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(“Promise”; Created with pencils, watercolors & gouache on 30×40 cm paper)

Don’t let this world die in darkness
Don’t let me drown in this silence
Always remember your promise

If there is no light to find
then make your own

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