Sometimes thoughts can be like an erupting volcano – if you ignore them long enough, they gather…and one day – BOOM!
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This actually started as a weird experiment in which I’ve found a new way to express the monsters lurking in my mind.
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->>Size: A5
->>Materials: Ink, Pencil, opaque white

…and yet we are so limited by things we can’t influence.
…and yet we are captured in this twisted web, made by coincidence and nature.
And yet…we can at least try rip those chains.


->>Size: a bit smaller than A5
->>Materials: Ink, Ballpointpens, Watercolour

…wondering if this is all, if there’s something beyond. Beyond these people, beyond this noise, beyond night and day, beyond heaven and hell. Beyond this smoke, beyond this planet, beyond lies and truths, beyond life and death. Beyond you and me.


->>Size: A5
->>Materials: Ink, Pencils, Watercolour

The next work from the Allegoric-Reality series: Perfectionist. Sketched it about two weeks ago and finished it yesterday and today.

As I’m currently really missing snow (a winter without lots of snow is no winter) and wanted to sketch something with Photoshop again I decided to draw a snow-breathing cloud-dragon~
Took about 15min. snowsnowsnow, where is my snow?Continue Reading


I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped.Continue Reading


->>Size: A5
->>Materials: pencils, ink

Actually, I wanted to start the second part of the “MyTruth-SketchSeries” somewhen in 2016. But, well, Inspiration can’t be planned.

So, here it is, the opening to the second Truth-Series “Allegoric Reality”: Liar, Liar.

->>Size: A5
->>Materials: Ink + black Copic marker
->>Time: 5-10 minutes

We’ve all got both, light and dark, inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that’s who we really are.Continue Reading